While most members of the band are Berklee students, Eyurrn is an experimental Indie rock/pop band. It is with their diversity that makes them stand out to new listeners. Eyurrn’s music is exceptionally romantic but has layers of a host of emotional music and is constant with their captivating guitar riffs.

Eyurrn partly covers songs by several popular, but not as talked about bands. Through their unique style and sound, they specialize in modernizing Morphine’s music as well as bringing the music of Cigarettes After Sex to local audiences. It's with their original pieces Eyurrn showcases their range and power of song which resonates with listeners.

William, the drummer, has a heavy metal, rock, and jazz background, and performs in several bands. Jaimie, the bass / guitarist, has a rock and reggae background and has performed in a number of bands around Cambridge, MA. Lilly, the singer / saxophonist is the bandleader of Lilly Jazz Project and has performed in several music groups and theatre productions.



